Better together is a brand that I created for my capstone project and exhibition at the CVPA gallery at UMass Dartmouth. Garden roofs and bus shelters are better together because they can lessen the impacts of combined sewer overflows. They can absorb rainwater which reduces the amount of runoff that gets into our sewers and ultimately ends up in our waterways. Not only that, but they also serve as a natural way to filter the air and have our air we breathe in be cleaner. My informational posters educate the general public on what combined sewer overflows are. it also outlines my solution to lessening our impact by creating garden roofs on bus rest stop shelters. Business cards were displayed and they included the brand name, logo, my contact information, and a list of ways that you can reduce your impact. Sunflower seed packets were displayed at the exhibition as well for people to take if they wanted and by the end of the last show there were no more seed packets left. This makes me happy because planting more is another way to reduce your impact because plants help to absorb rainwater.
Programs used: Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign

This is a book that I created to organize all my process for this project. Sketches, research, photos, typefaces, color palette, logo process, brand name brainstorming are all included to give a thorough look into my process.
Programs used: Indesign